Forms and Legal
Below is a list of forms and legal documents to help you when you buy, sell, lease or rent a property.
Manage forms
- Dividing Fences and Trees
- Leasing a property with a pool
- Smoke Alarm Legislation
- Shelter and Evacuation Options
Buying forms
- Conditions of Sale By Public Auction
- Multiple Offers Form
- REIQ Bidders Guide
- Bidders Registration Form
- Blank Contract For Houses and Residential Land
- Lynham Bidding Guide
Renting forms
- Application For Tenancy
- Pet Application
- Fact Sheet – Ending a tenancy agreement
- Residential Tenancies Authority Pocket Guide for Tenants
- Agreement to Terminate Fixed-Term Tenancy
- Exit Condition Report – General Tenancies
- A “GUIDE” on how to get your bond back in FULL!
- Routine Inspection Guide
- General Tenancy Agreement (Form 18a)
- Notice of intention to leave (Form 13)
- Residential Tenancies Authority Website
Selling forms