40 Clements Crescent VINCENT QLD 4814
Too Much House - Too Little Price
* Highset 3 bedroom
* 2 built-in robes
* main air conditioned
* large living area
* modern kitchen
* balcony off main bedroom
* polished timber floors
* screens & ceiling fans
* tropical garden with paved sitting area
* 2 lockable car spaces
* closed in underneath
* high timber fences with double gates
* walk to schools, shops & transport
Pets allowed
For your convenience keys are available in our office for inspections of this property between 8:30-4 Monday – Friday and 8:30 – 11 on Saturday. We require a $50 key deposit and a photo copy of ID.
* 2 built-in robes
* main air conditioned
* large living area
* modern kitchen
* balcony off main bedroom
* polished timber floors
* screens & ceiling fans
* tropical garden with paved sitting area
* 2 lockable car spaces
* closed in underneath
* high timber fences with double gates
* walk to schools, shops & transport
Pets allowed
For your convenience keys are available in our office for inspections of this property between 8:30-4 Monday – Friday and 8:30 – 11 on Saturday. We require a $50 key deposit and a photo copy of ID.